Light Intensifier Tubes
ECHO14 Tube - Photonis (new 2024)

The new Echo14 tube from Photonis that we offer is in our opinion the best tube to start in the Night Vision world with an unbeatable price/performance ratio.
Light Adaptation : Basic tubes are autogated.
Performance : Minimum Figure Of Merit (FOM) on these tubes, starts at 1400, with a max FOM of 1800.
Field of View : Optic fiber diameter is smaller than ECHO tubes.
Each tube comes factory sealed with original factory specsheet and a 12 months Photonis warranty.
Echo Tube - Photonis
ECHO tube from Photonis is the best available tube from the commercial line.
It features Ultra-Fast Auto Gating which makes it usable in any conditions.
It FOM (Figure OF Merit) stands between 1800 and 2200.
These tubes come as small Anvis 10160 type as standard but we can provide you with any type you want (PVS7 or PVS14 manual gain type), feel free to contact us in this case.
Each tube comes factory sealed with original factory spec sheet and a 12 months Photonis warranty.

Green or White Phosphore
Our tubes are available in White or Green, which matchs to the two types of phosphore's hue. Choice is yours and depend on your output's preferences.
On the two pictures below, left one is Echo White in a NODS-14, right is Echo Green in a NODS-14